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A Plasticville Pair
by Gisby

It was crude and looked like nothing more than a bad plastic kit. What was the point?

A very old Plasticville kit, the 'Log Cabin' is one of their cruder efforts. The extending logs lare half-round, & flat on the back. The inner walls are corrugated, as the logs are 'hollow'. The kit looks like a cheap plastic imitation log building. A totally useless piece of dooky.

Then, as I was driving through the city, I noticed something odd in a parking lot. A crude, plastic-looking imitation log cabin, with the wonderful sign, 'LOG CABIN PIZZA'.

A real-life inspiration for this simplest of conversions.


The news stand is a simple, two-piece kit, loaded with interesting detail. So far as I know it's still available.

The kit is glued together, and is held in place by the inner floor (a piece of Sintra).

Although the floor is only 20mm wide, the slope of the front magazine rack gives plenty of room for 25mm bases

A simple paint job and a black 'magic' wash are surprisingly effective. The kit won't be the centrepiece of any table, but it 's inexpensive and adds interest.

How to make Park Benches & Bus Stops

A Bend a 'staple' shape from floral wire, 30mm wide.
B Glue slats or a solid back in place.
C Make 2 lengths of wire with a loop at one end. Bend them at right angles to the plane of the rings.
D Close the rings onto the back legs, and glue.
E Glue slats or a solid seat into place, making certain the seat supports are parallel Trim the legs to length.



