NEWS: Deep Space telescopes have detected an anomalous object drifting into our solar system. A remote probe has sent back images of a wrecked space craft of unknown origin Several corporations are scrambling salvage teams to investigate.
Like many CoZo players I have an old copy of Space Hulk (or Space Crusade) lying around. I observed to my son that you could easily use the boards to play CoZo. Next time I passed by the wargames room he had it all set up, so I challenged him to a game and we roughed out a few rules as we went along.
There are several possibilities for a background to any 'alien hunt' scenario:
Cold wreck: there are no alien life forms aboard. Instead, a dozen or so counters are scattered around the board each worth 2D10 victory points of advanced tech. Two or more players race to recover the most.
Each salvage team should be worth between 200 to 500 pts depending on the size of game desired, and should enter the board at a random point each. As an additional challenge the wreck may be evacuated and require the salvage teams to wear spacesuits. Doors in the ship require 1AP to open or close.
Robot wreck: Tthere are no life forms aboard, but robots and replicants of alien or human manufacture populate the wreck. There can be a single team investigating the wreck or a race between opposing players can be played out as an additional complication.
The robot forces should be scattered across the board and of equal points value to a single salvage team or, if there are multiple teams you may want them to be one and a half teams point value. Once again there is the possibility that the derelict may or may not have an atmosphere.
Inhabited wreck: Alien creatures inhabit the derelict, possibly its original builders trying to repair it.
If using one of the non air-breathing races from the aliens in combat zone article note that the breathing gear rule will apply to the salvage team not the aliens, who could hardly be expected to fill their ships with an atmosphere they could not breathe.
The alien force should be equal in points value to a single salvage team and start anywhere on the board, doors cost no AP for the aliens to open but the salvage team require a tech test (difficulty 9) to open or close the doors.
Infested wreck: The derelict is crawling with monstrous aliens (the cockroach or the feeder from the aliens in combat zone article). For every 500pts or part thereof of salvage teams invading the wreck the aliens get one nest site: Each turn the aliens get 1D6 reinforcements at each nest.
The nest must be destroyed in the same manner as a building in the Battle Book raid scenario (i.e. flamethrower, grenade or Molotov).
For a darker game give the aliens 1D8 reinforcements.
All the above: Blip markers are scattered around the ship representing unknown enemies: The alien player may activate one squad/room of blips for each squad of salvagers. It doesn’t have to be the same blips each turn however.
Blips always move at 6AP until they reach line of sight with a salvage team when they are revealed and may spend any remaining AP’s, and yes you may place blips on opportunity fire.
The points cost of the defending forces should be 20 to 30% higher than the combined total of the attackers but the individual defending groups should not be more than 75% the size of a single attacking salvage team (and most alien groups would probably be less).
This is very much a war of attrition as the salvage teams attempt to clear the ship of individually weaker opponents without getting too worn down. The limited number of units that the defender can activate each turn will make it difficult for them to amass a large number of squads against the attacker.
If you want to make the game more or less challenging (introducing new players or dealing with a ridiculously lucky dice roller for example) feel free to adjust the ratio of forces up or down it’s not fully playtested yet anyhow.
Last Stand: The salvage team has been cut off and are attempting to barricade themselves in a defensible location and hold out till relief arrives. The salvage team sets up in their chosen room.
For each tech in the team the may weld 2 doors closed. Welded doors require 4 successful break down door attempts to open.
For every 250 pts or part thereof of salvage team the Alien player gets one nest as described in the infested wreck scenario, the nests are placed at a board edge after the salvage team has barricaded themselves in.
The alien player has the initiative for the first turn. The salvage team must survive 15 turns.
Alternatively, after 10 turns a rescue force can arrive from a random board edge and attempt to open a corridor for the salvage team to escape through. The rescue team is the same size as the salvage team.
Additional rules:
Corridors are generally wide enough for two figures unless defined as service tunnels in which case the tunnel fighting rules apply. If two figures are standing in a doorway the figures behind may not fire through unless the front figures are “keeping Down”.
Area effect weapons cannot scatter through walls, it bounces until it has used up its scatter distance.
Weapon fire may be capable of breaching the hull, although this only matters if the wreck has an atmosphere.
If you use this option give the hull a toughness (if you make it greater than 18 then only heavy weapons will be a risk) and make a wound roll for every miss, if you equal or beat the toughness you have a breach.
All doors to that section/room will close at the end of the round and require a tech roll (difficulty 10) to open.
Anyone still in the section and not in a spacesuit at the end of the following round is dead.
Weapons cannot cause a breach large enough for anyone to pass through.
Spacesuits cost 4AP to put on, they may be purchased at a cost dependent on their armour value (i.e. they cost the same as equivalent armour).
A wound roll that is one less than the modified toughness of the target damages the suit rendering it useless until repaired (tech test Difficulty 12). Figures in spacesuits are immune to gas weapons.
The points cost of the defending forces should be 20 to 30% higher than the combined total of the attackers but the individual defending groups should not be more than 75% the size of a single attacking salvage team (and most alien groups would probably be less).
This is very much a war of attrition as the salvage teams attempt to clear the ship of individually weaker opponents without getting too worn down. The limited number of units that the defender can activate each turn will make it difficult for them to amass a large number of squads against the attacker.
If you want to make the game more or less challenging (introducing new players or dealing with a ridiculously lucky dice roller for example) feel free to adjust the ratio of forces up or down it’s not fully playtested yet anyhow.
Last Stand: The salvage team has been cut off and are attempting to barricade themselves in a defensible location and hold out till relief arrives. The salvage team sets up in their chosen room.
For each tech in the team the may weld 2 doors closed. Welded doors require 4 successful break down door attempts to open.
For every 250 pts or part thereof of salvage team the Alien player gets one nest as described in the infested wreck scenario, the nests are placed at a board edge after the salvage team has barricaded themselves in.
The alien player has the initiative for the first turn. The salvage team must survive 15 turns.
Alternatively, after 10 turns a rescue force can arrive from a random board edge and attempt to open a corridor for the salvage team to escape through. The rescue team is the same size as the salvage team.
Additional rules:
Corridors are generally wide enough for two figures unless defined as service tunnels in which case the tunnel fighting rules apply. If two figures are standing in a doorway the figures behind may not fire through unless the front figures are “keeping Down”.
Area effect weapons cannot scatter through walls, it bounces until it has used up its scatter distance.
Weapon fire may be capable of breaching the hull, although this only matters if the wreck has an atmosphere.
If you use this option give the hull a toughness (if you make it greater than 18 then only heavy weapons will be a risk) and make a wound roll for every miss, if you equal or beat the toughness you have a breach.
All doors to that section/room will close at the end of the round and require a tech roll (difficulty 10) to open.
Anyone still in the section and not in a spacesuit at the end of the following round is dead.
Weapons cannot cause a breach large enough for anyone to pass through.
Spacesuits cost 4AP to put on, they may be purchased at a cost dependent on their armour value (i.e. they cost the same as equivalent armour).
A wound roll that is one less than the modified toughness of the target damages the suit rendering it useless until repaired (tech test Difficulty 12). Figures in spacesuits are immune to gas weapons.