Hanging a Door This method is simple, fast and sturdy. Bend a piece of wire to shape as in the diagram opposite. Insert into holes drilled in the base of the building and the top of the doorway. (If you're making an opening door on a plastic kit, drill holes in pieces of the sprue and glue them above & below the door.) Make a door and glue to the wire. (Wire on the inside.) Well, that's about it! Add handles & details as you wish... Don't place the hinge too close to the edge of the doorway: Place it too close, and the door will not open all the way. Placing a small stop to keep the door from opening the wrong way is a good idea. Also, don't place the hinge too close to the edge of the door, or the thickness of the door will prevent it from opening. The thinner the door material, the closer to the edge you can place the hinge. I usually reinforce the top of the doorway with wood, plasticard, or epoxy putty.
Hanging a gate I was making a palisade for an African village, and needed to hinge the gate. Here's my solution: Hinges! Cut one post into 3 pieces, and drill it to insert 2 pieces of wire lengthwise. Bend a pair of eye-rings (a loop on the end of a wire), making them a tight fit to the wire in the post (Not TOO tight!) Close the post around the rings, leaving a post with 2 eye-rings rotating freely around it. Glue the wires of the eye-rings into holes drilled through the end pair of posts in the palisade. Attach the gate to the rotating pole. Upon reflection, I'd do it the other way if I did it again: Have the rings coming off the gate, and the split post part of the fence. I think it might be stronger.
Hanging a Gate 2 To hang a normal gate you can combine the methods: Make a wire hinge as for the door, but hang it off of 2 eye-rings. (Cut notches at the top & bottom of the gate, and don't have the wire extend past the edges. In this case, the hinge should extend to the edge of the gate. NB: The lower ring will establish the level of the bottom of the gate.
Sliding Doors These are a bit more complex, although not really difficult: The most difficult & important part is the placing & spacing of the rod supports. The door opening should be slightly narrower than the 2 doors side-by-side. (Or: The two doors, side-by-side should be slightly wider than the opening) The wire hinges are shaped as are the black lines on the doors, with a ring/loop on each end above the door. (It is best if the ring is close to the top edge of the door, and is bent forward so that the support rod will be in line with the door: If the door is thick enough, just make eye-rings and glue them into holes drilled into the top of the door. The rings should be very close to the sides of the door.) Make 5 eye-rings as brackets for the support rod. Put 1 bracket (A) in the centre of the rod, and slide a door on either side, with a bracket (B) between the door rings. Finally add the last 2 brackets (C) on the ends of the support rod. Glue the 5 brackets to holes drilled in the wall: A in the centre, B flush against the outer door ring when the door is closed, and C at the end of the support rod. This rod should extend far enough to support the door when the inner door ring is flush against B with the door open. (It will only open so far) Does this make sense?