Night of the Living Dead
by Pete Garnham

Anders peered into the murk and cursed. What a fix! Six rounds left, three hours to daylight, and movement to the front and rear.

These rules are designed to be used with the Combat Zone Core rules, and are loosely based around ideas taken from the George A. Romero zombie films of the 70's and 80's. Feel free to experiment with them using what you like and changing what you don't.

The game is designed with 4-5 players in mind. The number of players obviously depends on the size of table, and amount of terrain you have available. If you have more, or less, players then the number of "cards" will differ as will the number of Zombies encountered.

The set up and rules that follow are geared towards events at the beginning of the film "Dawn of the Dead". The aim of the game is to reach the helicopter first and escape from the city.

Limiting the number of seats in the helicopter can alter the strategies used, and can make alliances very fragile.

Adding a time limit after which the helicopter will/may give up and leave can also add some tension to the game.

Equipment required

Figures and terrain

Selection of dice (including 1 x scatter dice)

Pencil, Paper and Rulers

Pack of Standard playing cards

Initial Set up

Each player is allocated 3 Figures, the "Team". Each figure is armed with a small arm, no Heavy Weapons are allowed. No two figures may be armed the same, with the exception of pistols. Roll 2d10 for each figure and note the result down on a piece of paper. This number represents the number of rounds available for the figure's weapon at the start of the game. This figure will certainly decrease and may increase during the game. The arming of figures can be left to the player, dictated by the Umpire or dictated by the weapons shown on the figures available.

The Teams are placed at the edge of the board. This location can either be diced for or allocated by the umpire but should be roughly equidistant to where the helicopter is to land.

The playing cards are placed face down across the board. They can be in buildings, in the open streets, amidst the ruins, in fact wherever the Umpire sees fit to place them. Each card represents something, a random event, some equipment, some ammunition etc. The Umpire is not to look at the cards before placing them, this adds an element of uncertainty to the game.

The Game begins.

Cards Move. All cards are moved using a scatter dice and 1d6. The scatter dice denotes the direction the card is to move, the target mark means the card remains in position and does not move. The 1d6 is the distance to be moved, in inches. Cards in buildings need not be moved unless they are on the ground floor and a Team moves within 6 inches. In this case a 1d6 is thrown with a 50% chance that the card will move towards the Team. Any card within LOS of a Team member is revealed, less those in buildings. If the revealed card is Hostile, and within 10 inches of a Team, the turn is taken immediately.

Teams Move & Fire. Team figures now use their APs as per the CZ rules. Roll 1d6 per Team, the highest roll going first, then the next highest etc. As above any card within LOS of a Team member is revealed, less those in buildings. If the revealed card is Hostile, and within 10 inches of a Team, the turn is taken immediately after the Team has completed its turn.

Compulsory Actions. As per CZ rule book.

The Cards
2-5 (All Suits) 1d3 Zombies (Hostile)
6-10 (All Suits) 1d6 Zombies (Hostile)
A Ambush
JQK Refugees (1d6)
AJQK Munitions:
A (Rounds), J (Grenades), Q (Weapon), K (Ammo)
AJQK Booby Trap:
A (2d4), J (2d6), Q (2d8), K (3d8)
AJQK Zombie Horde:
A (1d10), J (1d6), Q (1d8), K (1d8)
JOKER Potential Ally


Infected by a virus brought down with a returning shuttle mission the dead have risen and can only be destroyed by severing the brain from the spinal cord. The Zombies have only basic instincts, with a need to feed on the brains of the living chief amongst them.

Attacks against Zombies are dealt with differently than in the CZ rule book. Roll to hit as normal, but the wound roll depends on the number on the dice rolled NOT the cumulative total. Any single dice score of 6 or more is a kill, and represents the head shot needed to kill the Zombie.

Zombies move randomly unless within 10 inches of "living" figures in which case they will move towards them and attack. Zombies will not attack unrevealed cards even if it turns out that these cards represent "living" figures.

Zombies have 6AP and use them the same as "living" figures. They roll 2d8 in Close Combat and will not Panic or Rout.


These are the survivors of the cities population. They will latch on to the Team and follow them hoping to be lead to safety. The Team may not attack them in any way and must allow them to tag along. Each time the Team is attacked by NPC Hostiles roll 1d6 for each attacker, on 5,6 the attacker will target a refugee as opposed to a member of the Team. When a card is revealed if Hostile a refugee will run away on a score of 5,6 prior to the start of any combat.

Examples of useful refugee figures are Wargames Foundry Mexican Peons (migrant workers from the local Taco Bar), Vietnamese civilians (Platoon 20 or Qualiticast), and figures from Vampyre and Werewolf RPGs.


Roll 1d6 and consult the following table.

Munitions - Roll 1d6
1 2 3 4 5 6
A 2d6 2d6 2d6 3d6 3d6 4d6 Rounds
J 1 1 1 2 2 3 Grenades
Q Rocket Launcher Machine Gun Weapon
K 1 Rkt 2 Rkts 2 Rkts 10 MG Rnds 20 MG Rnds 30 MG Rnds Ammo
Rounds may be for any small arm, at the choice of the player, with the exception of those listed for the MG. Ammunition of different types is not transferable between weapons.

Booby Trap.

Self explanatory, strength of Booby Trap is dependant on card revealed.

Munitions and Booby Traps are both represented by boxes and cartons when revealed. Their true nature is only revealed upon investigation.


1d3 ambushers immediately open fire on nearest Team and melt away into the ruins. Composition of ambushers is at the discretion of the Umpire.

Zombie Horde.

A larger than normal group of Zombies. Roll dice as per chart to see how many are present.

Potential Ally.

A figure is seen skulking in the ruins. Depending on the Team's actions, and a dice roll the figure will either open fire on the Team or join them as an extra Team member. Roll 1d6. If the Team are friendly towards the figure, the figure will open fire on the Team and disappear into the ruins on a 5,6 otherwise it will join the Team as an extra member. If the Team open fire first the figure will return fire on a 1-4 and then disappear into the ruins or will just run off on a score of 5,6. The figure is armed at the discretion of the Umpire and joins the Team with 1d6 rounds of ammunition.

Miscellaneous Rules and Stuff.

Gates and doors that stop the Undead from reaching the "living" will always give way on a 1d6 roll of 5,6. Test every turn.

Any figure, living or undead, will get caught up when moving through barbed wire on a 1d6 roll of 4-6. It costs 2AP for each attempt to get free with a 1d6 roll of 5,6 required to be successful.

Any "living" figure that is killed during the course of the game will return as a Zombie in 1d6 turns. The new Zombies starts at the same place as it's living equivalent was killed.

Weapons and ammunition may be taken from the dead at the discretion of the Umpire. The cost to do this is 2AP. On a 1d6 roll of 5,6 the weapon is unuseable.

Players are free to try anything using the terrain and equipment depicted on the gaming table. Whether or not they are successful depends on the scenario, the Umpire and a dice roll. All attempts cost APs. Examples are things such as starting and driving vehicles, opening doors etc.

Zombies will stop and feed on fresh kills on a 1d6 roll of 5,6. Roll for each Zombie involved in the attack. After 1 turn the Zombie will continue as normal.

If allowed by the Umpire, during initial set up, one figure per Team may be allotted Veteran status.

There are no more than 4 seats available on the helicopter so players are to be encouraged to eliminate the opposition and not to enter into alliances.

Remember to cross off ammunition when shots are fired.

An alternative to playing cards is to make something similar to a Space Hulk blip marker. These are either marked on the bottom with what they represent or a number/letter (for those players who like to take a sneaky look when the Umpire's back is turned). The number/letter then translates to something on the Umpire's list.

Many thanks to Pete for his article and inspirational photos. We're trying to convince him to write another article about his terrain and accessories.



